Muscle and Joint Pain Recovery




GetUBetter App

Self-management app for muscle and joint pain recovery

We now offer access to a self-management app getUBetter, to aid recovery from your muscle or joint problem. The app will guide you day-by-day through a string of exercises and tips to help you get better. To get started, download the app here.

Then click create an account, enter your postcode and select your GP practice.



What is the app?

GetUBetter is designed to provide you with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to self-manage all common muscle or joint conditions. It is designed to be used alongside the health system and therefore will signpost you back into the system if you need additional review.

It is suitable for 80% of muscle of joint conditions, which includes new, ongoing or returning muscle or joint conditions and support while you wait for treatment e.g. Physiotherapy.

It is not designed to be used for any muscle or joint conditions which requires more targeted management and care – for example:

  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Post-op
  • ACL tears
  • Achilles ruptures
  • Worsening neurological symptoms
  • Pregnancy-related problems